Wednesday, April 7, 2010


1. Establish:(verb) Indonesia is preparing to establish a trust fund to reduce deforestation.

2. Estimate :(verb) The cost of the course is estimated at around Dhs 150.

3. Evidence :(noun) The police are looking for evidence of the crime.

4. Export :(verb) The UAE exports oil to Japan.

5. Factor :(noun) There are many factors to be famous.

6. Minimum :(noun) Getting 60 is the minimum mark to pass.

7. Expert :(noun) Saeed is an expert at dealing with computers.

8. Function :(noun) The function of the pump is to pump water one from one place to another.

9. Device :(noun) A machine which works with electricity is called a device.

10. Identify :(verb) I have to identify my stolen bag.

11. Income :(noun) My income is higher than my brother's earnings.

12. Aware :adjective You have to be aware of the rules before driving a car.

13. Objective:(noun) The objectives of the conference are to share experiences.

14. Method :(noun) You have to use the right method to solve the equation.

15. Adjust :(verb) Please adjust your watch according to the new time.

16. Academic :adjective I have to do academic IELTS to graduate from the HCT.

17. Involve :(verb) There are many factors involved in organising a successful party.

18. Expand :(verb) If you heat the gas it will expand.

19. Symbol :(noun) This symbol % means percentage.

20. Target :(noun) My target with studying is to get a PhD

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Technology became an important matter in our lives. Tracing technology in all of its majors is almost impossible because it is running very fast. It also costs a lot of money just to be updated. Let's take the control system of a gas plant as an example. It was pneumatic with big panels and became computerized with one or more small stations.

In the past the control system of the gas plant was controlled though a big pneumatic panel. The panel operator had to keep waking and watching the controllers during all the shift time. There were around 300 controllers divided into four groups (level, temperature, pressure and vibrations). These four variables are the most changeable and should be watched all the time. Of course there are some high and low alarms which help the operator, but they are not enough.

Nowadays technology came in between and simplified the control system. It became easier and quicker. Cegelec has developed an integrated distributed control system (DCS), whose robust yet flexible design deliv3ers all the functions specific to each user’s requirements. Asab and Bab Integrated Control System (ABICS) project executed by Cegelec in 2005 involved the installation of advanced computerized systems to replace the original pneumatic control systems currently in service at Asab and Bab. The panel operator should sit in front of the computer and watch the variables while the new control system DCS controls them exactly like the autopilot in the planes as you can see in the picture. He can interfere at any time especially if there is an emergency. “The supervisor can supervise the panel operator's work from his desk not like in the past when he had to keep standing behind him. Also the general manager can access and have a look at them from his office in Abu Dhabi while the plant is located in Habshan which is 150 kms away from Abu Dhabi” said Ananth (shift supervisor in Habshan).

Using this type of control system gave the panel operator some confidence and flexibility during work. It is digital and accurate, not like the old system which was giving some values which were around the set point. The DCS has as many details as you want of software. The panel operator has just to navigate through the pages while he is sitting at his desk, while with the old system he had to walk from one controller to another. A feature of this system is that as many controllers as needed can be added in the future without the need of increasing the size of the panel.

Imagine the life without TVs, cars or computers. It would be much different and might be difficult. Technology is made by humans but gives the humans big change and flexibility in the life in general. Also the life became much faster than before. The news can be distributed around the world using TVs in just five or ten minutes maximum. Or you can share or search for any information while you are sitting at your desk. Only internet connection is needed to read, find or watch a movie during the present time. This means the people do not care about reading like before, because they can find any information they need by just clicking on the keyboard of their computers. Not like in the past when they had to go to the library to buy or read the book they need. Maybe they did not have a car or even money to rent a taxi.

Electricity is another example of technology. It is a main utility used in the houses. Think how it is produced! Power turbines have to be manufactured and operated. It is very accurate and has many types of instruments where the people have to be careful with using or dealing with them. At the end we get it to use it with the technology which we have in our houses.

In summary we can say the technology is controlling our lives and we started to feel that a house without a TV or internet connection is nothing or still missing a major utility which we cannot live without.


Interview with Ananth (shift supervisor in Habshan)
GASCO internal magazine