Although jobs in the UAE are varied, people are still complaining, and this is due
The government is forcing the private companies to employ the Emiratis with at
least 10% of the employees. However they are disturbing the Emiratis and indirectly they are forcing theEmiratis to resign and they keep on saying “the Emiratis do not want to work, they only want to sit behind the desk and keep on talking in the phone”. This statement about the Emiratis is wrong, they are ready to work everywhere and any type of job. The rising cost of expatriate workers is placing a growing burden on employers in Dubai, according to a report by Mercer Human Resource Consulting, entitled Managing the UAE's HR Environment. The main problem with the locals is most of them like to get high salaries as the public sector offers, however the private cannot. The report shows that average salaries for expatriates rose by over 6% last year. Daily allowances rose by over 20%, and multinationals now pay an average rate of US$ 475 a day for executive expatriates on short-term assignments in Dubai.
The government is looking for solutions to help the Emiratis to find jobs in both